This has been my dream for years. I now have my voice, my courage, my inner strength to stand before this world and awaken hearts . . .
How many of you have allowed life to take your voice away? How many of you shrouded down in shame and hurt, trying so hard to disappear . . . your voice slowly dying as you pull away? That was me. That was me for almost 50 years.
And let me tell you, you don’t have to stay in that silence. I’m growing stronger every day. My voice as a writer, as a speaker, as a human on this planet is screaming to be heard. It fights with my fears daily. The battle rages in my soul, pressing against my insecurities.
When my mind says no, the voice screams MOVE!!!! STOP HOLDING ME BACK!!!!
I spent this week interviewing TEDx speakers that have stood on that stage, sharing their VOICE with the world.
Their stories of perseverance, determination, love for humanity, and so many life lessons have flooded my soul with HOPE!!!
Listen, I don’t know what your story is. I don’t know your journey or your pains. But I do know this . . . you have today and hopefully tomorrow.
Do you want to stay where your story has you right now or do you want to change?
I promise you, you can change your story.
I did. It wasn’t easy, but I did. And you know what . . . I rediscovered my voice.